DisplaySearch posted an interesting article regarding Apple and how they plan to once again rely on display technology for the new product innovation. DisplaySearch estimates (based on supply chain research) that Apple will revamp nearly all of the displays in its products in 2014. Specifically, DisplaySearch estimates that the iWatch will indeed adopt a flexible OLED.
Apple 2011 flexible OLED watch patent
Specially, DisplaySearch says that the iWatch will use a 320x320 flexible AMOLED and the size of the display will be either 1.3" or 1.63". We heard reports last week from Korea suggesting pretty much the same specs. Last week I reported that I can't see either LGD or Samsung being able to supply Apple with the flexible displays. But DisplaySearch estimates that the iWatch will only arrives towards the end of 2014, so it may be that LGD (or Samsung) will indeed have the capacity to supply Apple by then.
Emopulse canceled flexible OLED smartwatch project
In the same post, DisplaySearch also says that Samsung is expected to release a new tablet with a 10" (or even larger) AMOLED panel. Samsung's largest AMOLED panel is 7.7" in size (besides the larger 55" TV panels of course). The 7.7" panel was used in Samsung's Tab 7.7, in Toshiba's Excite 7.7 tablet and some other low volume products. I don't think Samsung is mass producing this panel any more.
It was reported before that Samsung is planning a new production fab for larger OLEDs. Samsung's upcoming Gen-6.5 will produce panels for tables and laptops and maybe TV panels too. The monthly capacity will be between 20,000 to 40,000 substrates and Samsung's investment in this fab is estimated at 1.7 trillion Won ($1.5 billion USD). This fab is not confirmed yet.
Emopulse wasn`t cancelled, it was totally fake