Nokia has launched three new smartphones today, two of which (The E7 and the C6-01) use Nokia's new Clear Black Display (CBD) technology which is said to perform better outdoors than a normal AMOLED. Nokia says that the display is a polarized AMOLED. This might actually be just Nokia's name for a Samsung made Super-AMOLED display, we do not know yet.
Nokia E7
Engadget really likes the display: "The screen is simply gorgeous -- ClearBlack may be a gimmicky trademark, but CBD's black levels are no joke. We're definitely talking Super AMOLED degrees of awesome...".
Engadget also puts it to the test against Apple's S-LCD retina-display. They say that the iPhone's display has a "noticeable blue warmth" and wasn't as vibrant or bright as the AMOLED, which was a bit oversaturated.