Reviews - Page 11

ZDNet: The OLED on the Nokia N85 is 'fantastic'

Matthew Miller from ZDNet reviews the Nokia N85, and just loves the OLED display. He actually got it because of the OLED display, which he saw on the Samsung i770 (I then saw the OLED display on the Samsung I7710 S60 device and fell in love with the brightness and true colors).

Here's what Matthew said about the N85's OLED: As I said above and cannot keep saying, the OLED display looks
fantastic. The colors are bright and evenly lit with no side or
backlighting. The display is viewable for virtually any angle and looks
great in the dark and in direct sunlight

Read the full story Posted: Jan 02,2009

Engadget loves Cowon's S9's OLED display - "Other PMP makers should definitely give AMOLED a look"

Cowon s9 PMPEngadget just posted a review of Cowon's S9 Curve player. They love the AMOLED display - 

"The 480 x 272 resolution
screen is positively gorgeous to look at, displaying rich, vivid colors
on everything lucky enough to tickle its pixels. Video looked superb,
images were almost unbelievably sharp and bright, and the overall user
interface was quite a joy to gaze at.

Other PMP makers should definitely
give AMOLED a look

The S9 curve
has a touchscreen 3.3" (480x272) AMOLED display. It also has a 500Mhz
dual-core CPU, bluetooth, FM radio, TV out and a USB2 connector. You can buy it from Amazon!

Read the full story Posted: Dec 29,2008

C|Net reviews the iRiver SPINN - the AMOLED display is "unbelievably crisp", the best they have seen

C|Net has reviewed the iRiver SPINN A/V player, and they are loving the 3.2" AMOLED display:

...and never have we seen a screen so crisp and so bright. Images are stunning; videos are smooth and sharp. In fact, in the video menus, moving thumbnails are used to illustrate listed videos, and there's enough detail given by the screen to make this look damn impressive.

Read the full story Posted: Aug 08,2008