Introducing The Graphene Handbook

I'm happy to announce my new book that I released today, The Graphene Handbook. Graphene is an exciting 2D carbon material - it is the world's strongest and most conductive material, and it's also transparent and flexible. Graphene may play an important role in the display industry, and it is also useful to make medical devices, electronics, spintronics, sensors, and more.

While graphene is exciting, there are many challenges still. The Graphene Handbook takes a look at the technology, industry and current market for graphene materials. It's a great way to be introduced to the material of the future. It took me about a year to write this book, and I hope it is the best introduction to graphene you can read today!

Reading this book, you'll learn all about:

  • The properties of graphene
  • Different production methods
  • Possible graphene applications
  • The latest graphene research
  • The current market for graphene materials and products
  • The main graphene challenges
  • Other promising 2D materials

The book also provides:

  • A history of graphene developments
  • A graphene investment guide
  • A comprehensive list of graphene companies
  • A guide to other carbon allotropes

The Graphene Handbook costs $97 for the digital (PDF) edition or $149.99 for the printed edition. We also offer site and enterprise licenses, and academic discounts. If you're interested, click here for more information (including a table of contents).

Posted: Nov 18,2013 by Ron Mertens